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Message from the Principal

Anzar Abdul Salam 



 Education is not just a process of giving knowledge for a future job but a lifelong process which creates an understanding of moral and ethical values to guide one’s life in a right path. Learning happens all the time; not only in a pre-designated place called the school. It happens in the home, between home and school too. As a parent, you want the best for your child and we are proud to be working with you to ensure that they are given the right knowledge to face the future challenges. Parents, students and the school authorities are a team and we have to complement each other’s efforts. I feel privileged to lead such an exciting and vibrant school, which offers great opportunities for its students.It is our goal to make each and every student to succeed. We offer our students the best possible opportunities to become confident, thoughtful young people who are prepared for any future challenges, in an exciting and increasingly global world. At Asian International Private school, we are very proud of our caring, inclusive ethos where we set high standards and expectations for our students to achieve and behave their very best. From the moment a new student joins our school community we want them to feel a sense of happiness and belonging, as this is essential to their future success. Our facilities and dedicated staff enable us to deliver our programmes in an environment that is intimate, friendly and attuned to every specific educational need. We believe that every student can succeed and we offer our best towards that success.We offer a rich variety of co-curricular activities to help students to create amazing memories and build up on real-world skills to help them discover their passions. I am pleasesd that you have taken the time tovisit our website.If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
With Best Regards,
Anzar Abdul Salam