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 Director General's Message 


Future generation will be living in a world that is very different from that to which we are accustomed . It is essential that we prepare ourselves and our children for that new world".The above quote is by our Father of Nation , who believed that education is precious and through knowledge and science is only possible to open the horizons of a glorious future.

We incarnate our Late Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan's dreams into reality by adopting new teaching methods,to inspire and ignite young minds in the field of education.I am extremely happy in pioneering the Vision and Mission of our AIS Group of Schools .

Higher the level of motivation, the higher accomplishment of task can lead to distinct level of success.A cultured society can be only evolved with proper education. I feel excited working with our devoted staff,to provide enjoyable learning experience for every AIS student. We endow with qualified and trained professionals to render student-centered education integrated with advanced technology.We seek to strengthen our relationship with parents by encouraging their active participation in our student's development in all phases.

I look forward to unlock golden doors of success to every blooming student by providing a platform to explore . With a strong desire , we , the educators and parents can work  hand-in-hand to create an intellectual community . 



 Rashid Mubarak Mohammed Al Mansouri